The Good News!

Welcome! I am the Rev. Ken Saunders. I serve as the rector of St. James Episcopal Church in Greeneville, Tennessee (since May 2018). These sermons here were delivered in the context of worship at the various places I have served.

[NOTE: Sermons (or Homilies) are commentaries that follow the scripture lessons, and are specifically designed to be heard. They are "written for the ear" and may contain sentence fragments and be difficult to read. They are NOT intended to be academic papers.]

Sunday, September 21, 2008

RCL Year A (Proper 20) - September 21, 2008

The Rev’d Kenneth H. Saunders III
Christ Episcopal Church
Cleveland, NC
RCL Year A (Proper 20) - September 21, 2008

Exodus 16:2-15
Psalm 105:1-6, 37-45
Philippians 1:21-30
Matthew 20:1-16

The church has been grumbling for at least 7000 years… and we haven’t stopped yet… We seem to think sometimes that the grass is greener on the other side of the fence… That another way of life is better…

We sometimes act like little children and say, he or she got something that I didn’t get… they got more to eat than I did… or they got the toy they wanted and I didn’t get anything. Or worse yet… they got to do what they wanted and I didn’t get my way… or – they won’t cooperate and play the way we want them to play, so I am going to take my to take my toys and go home…

Have you ever had a job and it seemed your rate of pay was ok, until you found out what someone else was making?… If they were making more… we say, “how dare they think that they are doing as good a job or better than we are”… And if they are making less… we say, “why am I put to work side by side with such worthless people”…

Some of you may be able to identify with this… When I was a technician, I got lots of overtime for the extra hours that I worked… Each minute was accounted for as the clock was punched… but when I moved into management, and became a “professional” employee I caught myself working all the time, not punching a clock, I made a decent wage, but I always worked more hours than I was paid for... It didn’t seem fair… grumble, grumble, grumble…

And look at look at the way we live our materialistic lives… we have always got to have the best toys, the best clothes, the best homes, and the best cars… There is a popular saying that started out with a comic strip early in the 20th century, “Keeping up with the Joneses” – where one is expected to have or maintain a certain standard of living… I personally haven’t figured out who the Joneses are or why in the world we would want to keep up with them.” But for some reason, in our society we want to be considered as good as they are, and we envy what they have… And if we don’t get it, we grumble about what we don’t have. Then when we get it and we have it, we grumble about what a burden it is in our life…

What part of “thou shall not covet” don’t we understand? Don’t we realize that “he who dies with the most toys is still dead?” We grumble about what we should have gotten, or we grumble about the decisions that we should have or could have made…

Today’s lessons are about grumbling… grumbling about the should a, could a, would a’s in our lives…

The Israelites were fussing with Moses in the wilderness after being miraculously delivered from slavery in Egypt… They say… “If only we had died by the hand of the LORD in the land of Egypt, when we sat by the fleshpots and ate our fill of bread; for you (Moses) have brought us out into this wilderness to kill this whole assembly with hunger." Grumbling about it was their answer to starving to death…

They would rather grumble than figure out how or where to get some food… and remember – when you are grumbling, be sure that you blame the leadership. Cause we all know that it is the leader’s fault… it’s always someone else’s fault… Grumble, grumble, grumble…

They seem to think that the situation they are in now is somehow worse than living as a slave in Egypt… Yes, they were walking around in the desert, and they were hungry. But they didn’t trust God… They witnessed all the miracles that got them to the point that they are, and yet they were still grumbling… Thinking that God had forgotten them – and just left them in the dessert to die. Somehow, to them, being a slave in Egypt was somehow better than being free…

Then we come to the parable that Jesus tells us about the laborers in the vineyard… We get the image of a day-labor house, where a person like a vineyard owner (or a general contractor) can go and hire others that want to work… But this isn’t the case in Jesus’ story… these peasant workers are standing idle in the marketplace… not refusing work… but not doing the honorable thing and seeking it either…

We jump right in… and we are quick to identify with the ones that have worked all day in the scorching heat… We quickly say… “whoa… wait a minute here… we have worked hard all day – and they have only been here a little while… How come they got the same pay that we did???” Because it was expected back then, as it is now, that the folks who worked longer hours get more pay…

But what if, by chance, we were to identify with the ones that had only been on the job for a couple of hours… Would we think that we had gotten away with something? Would we think that we didn’t deserve the wage that we were given? I hesitate that any of us would say… “Hey, wait a minute, I was only here a couple of hours, yet you paid me for the whole day.”

Jesus once again turns the values system of his time on its’ head. Telling them a story like this, and then telling them, “this is what the kingdom of God is like” would completely shock his peasant audience. Shocked, because they still related what Jesus was saying to material wealth. Shocked, because like you and me, they identified immediately with the workers who had worked all day in the scorching sun, only to be given an unfair wage for their labors… Shocked, because they choose to set their minds on earthly things and things passing away, and not focus on heavenly things and things that shall endure…

The past few Sundays, we have learned a lot in the lections about living in community. Of how we are to be together… as a family, on a planned focused mission… and how to act if something goes amiss… How we are to approach our brothers and sisters in Christ, hash it out, learn from each other, pray together and remain focused…

That led up to a parable that we had last week explaining how we are to forgive, without limits, showing others the kingdom of God to others through our actions of forgiveness. We learned that forgiveness is a difficult, but regardless of how difficult it is, forgiveness is a thing that we should continuously work at… letting God be the ultimate judge.

Today we get a glimpse of the generosity of God… but not monetarily… God provides manna in the wilderness, and feeds the Israelites with the manna of the wilderness… God shows grace to God’s people, providing for them, and delivering them from their hardships as they continue on the journey that God has set them on… Jesus has used our system of thinking against us, and sheds light for us again on what the kingdom of God might look like… Not monetarily… but of the generosity of God’s grace and blessing, equal for all who turn to God and focus on things heavenly…

We have a chance this morning to experience the equality and the generosity of God. When we come down the isle, and kneel at the rail, as always, we are all equal in the eyes of God, receiving the grace and blessing that God gives to us through the spiritual food provided to us to sustain us on our spiritual journey.

What we do from there with our material lives – our time, our talent and our treasure – and how we use that life to honor God is all a response to the generosity that God has provided to us…

And we all are so very very blessed in this life… so why do we grumble so much about what we think is happening or could happen?… or about what we think we should be getting in return for our labors?? or about what we think our brothers and sisters in the community should be doing???

Our focus this morning is on things eternal – those things that endure in our life now and in our life to come, Not on things of this earth – those things that pass away… Regardless of what we feel about the equities or inequities of our life, God is always there, loving us equally, providing for us, guiding us, and blessing us…

What we do in response to the generosity of God’s grace in our lives is up to us… Thanks be to God!

Sunday, September 14, 2008

RCL Year A (Proper 19) - September 14, 2008

The Rev’d Kenneth H. Saunders III
Christ Episcopal Church
Cleveland, NC
RCL Year A (Proper 19) - September 14, 2008

Genesis 37:1-4, 12-28
Psalm 105, 1-6, 16-22, 45b
Romans 10:5-15
Matthew 14:22-33

Have you ever been so frustrated with someone that you just wanted to grab them by the throat and choke the life right out of them? As gratifying as it may be to any of us… we know that it doesn’t solve anything.

This kind of action solves nothing in our world, but only adds to the frustration and violence that caused the original situation in the first place. We know that violence and a physical altercation like that wouldn’t solve a thing because we are intelligent people of reason and understanding, but most importantly, we know that we have a God that has forgiven us…

Last week, Jesus taught us what to do if we felt that someone in the Church wronged us… We were to go to that person face to face and speak to them, reason with them, learn the circumstances, forgive them and pray with them…

If that didn’t work, we were to take a couple of more with us to meet with the person, letting those others help us digest the situation, reason together, learn from each other, and forgive them and pray with them…

These are all tough things to do when you are angry… I mean really angry… with an anger so deep that it becomes the acid of hate that starts to eat right through the container of your soul…

Paul understood anger, and we know that he understood forgiveness, but he comes to Jesus anyway and asks… How many times do I forgive? As many as seven?… the amount according to Hebrew custom, that was considered extremely generous… and Jesus says no… you should forgive them 77 times… which was a colloquial way to say always.

So Jesus tells us a parable to explain the teaching… The parable of the unforgiving servant… about a King wishing to settle his accounts going to the folks that owed him money and collecting…

A servant was brought to him that owed him 10,000 talents… now how much is 10,000 talents? Well, a denarii is a days wages… and talent would be 15 years of wages… so this guy owed 150,000 years of wages.

If we compare this to a person today that makes the full time minimum wage a mere $13,625 a year – He would owe about $2,043,750,000 an absolutely absurd amount in any standard of place and time…

So the king calls him forward and demands that he liquidate everything that he has, all his possessions… himself and even his wife and his children which were considered property back then… to make payment…

The servant is devastated and pleads with the King for mercy and the king has pity and releases him, and then does the unheard of and forgives him his massive amount of dept…

Wow… this guy should be thankful, happy… dancing on a cloud… he owed over 2 billion dollars and his account was completely zeroed… but what did this guy do?

Yeah… he got real bold and full of himself, and when he came upon someone that owed him money, in this case only 100 denarii, he grabs him by the throat and says “give me what you owe me!” The man pleads with the servant, just as he did with the king… but when the man couldn’t pay, the servant had him thrown in jail… Oooo… This didn’t make the king happy one bit…

When the King found out, he had the servant brought before him again, to find out why the servant had not forgiven the other as he had been forgiven. Then he handed him over to be tortured until he repaid all that he owed…

When a member of the church sins against me? How many times must I forgive them? As many as seven? Jesus says, no -“You must forgive them always…”

Sometimes the pop-Christian perspective is to say – that’s pretty easy… forgive and forget… let go and let God… this in part may be true, but the human memory can be far more durable than human will… in being lassie-fair about it all, the act doesn’t become fully erased in our minds, despite our hearts determination to be rid of it completely.

Forgiveness is difficult and our patience runs out very quickly… This causes our reactions to look like more of the servant, choking his fellow servant. The root of the difficulty to me seems to be our hardness of heart…

Jesus sets up a dichotomy of difference between the seven and seventy-seven years, the servant and the king, the 100 days and the 150,000 years… all to show us that forgiveness is not easy, even when it seems outrageously simple on paper.

As Christians, we should continuously work on accepting our forgiveness and start to let go of the things that aren’t worth holding onto… As Christians, we are to be the bearers of the message of reconciliation…

I spent some time last week defining the Church - The Church Christ centered and mission focused… The focus of its sole mission: to restore humanity to God through Jesus Christ our Lord…

We should work at being Christ to others… But that forgiveness part, that’s difficult, and it doesn’t do us any good to pretend otherwise. I am here to tell you that forgiveness is only possible, by the Grace of God! But it is hard work for us and in order to forgive… We have to work at it… to let the flakes and the layers fall off of our tough exterior shell that has become hardened and bitter by our powerful desire for vengeance.

Paul reminds us that we are not to pass judgment on others, nor or we to despise them… because God judges rightly and with an accuracy that we cannot even claim to have. God judges, but God also redeems with great generosity.

We should show others this great generosity… especially the folks that we want to choke the life out of… We need to reconcile with them to show them true forgiveness… And have them encounter in us the vision of God in Christ, the God that loves us and suffers with us to seemingly impossible degrees… only then can the love and empathy in them spring up and grow in their hearts as it does ours.

I saw an incredible movie several years ago called “Pay it Forward.” It is a story about Young Trevor McKinney who got caught up by an intriguing Social Studies assignment. The assignment was to think of something to change the world and then put it into action.

Trevor conjures the notion of paying a favor not back, but forward - repaying good deeds not with payback, but with new good deeds done to three new people. Trevor's efforts to make good on his idea bring a revolution not only in his life but that of his family, and even in those of an ever-widening circle of people completely unknown to him. In effect, he was changing the world… by “paying it forward” –

Even though this movie had no religious theme or undertone, for me it really summed up the just of our lesson this morning… Pay it forward… never letting the chain of love end with you! Whether we are the offenders, in need of great mercy or the offended in need of divine grace and patience…

We have no refuge than that of the goodness of God, made known to us in the person of Jesus Christ. And if our hearts are open to such mercy and grace, -- out of that divine mercy and grace flows true generosity and forgiveness…

We have a God that has forgiven us… all we need to do is accept it, act on it, and pay it forward… thanks be to God…