The Good News!

Welcome! I am the Rev. Ken Saunders. I serve as the rector of St. James Episcopal Church in Greeneville, Tennessee (since May 2018). These sermons here were delivered in the context of worship at the various places I have served.

[NOTE: Sermons (or Homilies) are commentaries that follow the scripture lessons, and are specifically designed to be heard. They are "written for the ear" and may contain sentence fragments and be difficult to read. They are NOT intended to be academic papers.]

Sunday, May 3, 2009

RCL Year B (Easter 4) - May 3, 2009

The Rev'd Kenneth H. Saunders III
Christ Episcopal Church
Cleveland, NC

RCL Year B (Easter 4) - May 3, 2009

Today we get to leave the post resurrection appearances of Jesus for a minute… You know, those accounts of Jesus appearing to his disciples after the resurrection, showing himself to his disciples in the breaking of the bread, and revealing himself as he opens the scripture to them and eats with them.

Today we get to focus on something different… In today’s gospel reading, here in the middle of our celebration of the resurrection of Jesus, we learn more about who Jesus is.

But, like so many other bible references, the images today are strange to us and not easy to understand. Even, right here in our rural community of Cleveland, NC, we don’t quite understand why Jesus refers to himself as “The Good Shepherd.”

Jesus says that He is “The Good Shepherd,” The model shepherd that lays down his life for the sheep. I don’t know about you, but I don’t know of any “sheep ranches” in Cleveland, NC.

Driving around Cleveland, I see lots of cows, and bulls… and even yesterday I was greeted by Larry the goat, but no sheep. However, the folks that Jesus was talking to understood what a good shepherd was, and how important their function was to the raising of sheep.

Jesus uses the image of shepherd as a metaphor to explain who he is… By saying that he is the “Good Shepherd,” Jesus says that he is the faithful leader, guardian, protector, healer, and loving guide of us, his sheep.

Over the years, it seems like we have romanticized the image of shepherd a bit… When we think of “shepherd,” we think more of a young man (maybe in the Christmas play) with a some kind of towel on his head, standing out in the field with a crooked pole watching over a group of animals that are grazing in the grass.

But, people who know what shepherds are, know they are much more than that. Shepherd were tough and courageous, a bit rough around the edges, on the fringes of refined society… they are the “other” folks, who are not always accepted… More like the kind of people that are considered the “outcasts of society” – the ones that Jesus makes it a point to be with, eat with, and teach.

And Jesus says, “I am the Good Shepherd, I know my own, and my own know me.” We are Jesus’ own. We are the sheep of his pasture… wait a minute – yes – I said sheep.

We are sheep. But don’t misunderstand Jesus’ metaphor… He is not calling us simple mindless animals that eat grass all day and stand around and go baaaa… There is a distinct difference between sheep and any other pasture animal.

Sheep are interesting communal creatures that will stay huddled together in a flock. Unlike cattle that can be rounded up and herded together from behind and pushed in a direction, sheep need to be led from the front…

I understand that if you try to herd them and prod and push sheep from behind to get them to go anywhere, then they will scurry around and get behind the shepherd. Sheep need to be led… Led by the Good Shepherd.

And sheep are not dumb animals. They know their shepherd, and they will listen to their shepherd’s voice as he calls them by name. You could have 3 or 4 different flocks together, all grazing on the same pasture, comingled, and when the shepherd calls them, they will follow his voice… and go where he leads them, because they trust the Good Shepherd to lead them to good pasture, and keep them safe from danger.

But there are many voices vying for the sheep’s attention. Voices that try to endanger us, the sheep. There are voices of this world today that want to lead us sheep astray. Voices like self reliance, self security, greed, and idolatry.

Voices that try to make us think that we don’t need each other… voices of this world that try to break up the harmony of our flock and make us start judging one another.

Being timid animals, sheep are vulnerable and not able to protect themselves, they need the shepherd’s protection… Protection from wolves, and other predators that may be after them.

But if the sheep are as true to the shepherd, as the Good Shepherd Jesus is to the sheep, then they will listen to the Shepherd and follow where he leads, and He will look after them.

But often, at times, we aren’t good sheep. We are stubborn and we don’t go where the Good Shepherd leads. We like to think that we have it all figured out ourselves, and we like to separate ourselves from the other sheep that aren’t like us, rather than stay with the one flock, under control of the one true Good Shepherd.

There are many who are out there that try to be the shepherd and lead the sheep where they think they need to go. Leading them to places that aren’t good for the sheep… Places of danger… There are even ministers out there who think that they are shepherds, trying to scare the sheep into staying with a flock… Telling them that they are the only ones who know the way to the greener pastures.

As your priest, I will be the first to tell you that I am NOT a shepherd, I will never claim to be a shepherd – though some of you have been taught that a minister is some sort of shepherd… I don’t think that it is the proper representation… it shouldn’t work like that.

I am more of a sheep among the sheep of God, always trying to point the way to and show the other sheep who the One true “Good Shepherd” is. It is important that I always follow the Good Shepherd too, following where the Good Shepherd leads.

I heard someone say once that the priest is more of a sheep dog, helping the Good Shepherd keep the sheep in line, and helping protect the sheep against the evil wolves of this world… but even the sheep dog follows where the “Good Shepherd” leads.

In the passage, Jesus is the only One True Good Shepherd, protecting, guiding, loving and caring for the sheep that are His - us. Never forsaking us, always faithful to us, nourishing us, giving us hope, and saving us from ourselves.

Jesus isn’t any ordinary shepherd, he is the “model shepherd” (the “Good Shepherd”) that embodies strength, power, sympathy, kindness, and mercy.

Jesus uses a figure of speech that the people of the ancient world in the middle east would understand. With the shepherd / sheep imagery, he tried to teach them how to live in right relationship with Him and with each other.

We are gathered here today 2000 years later, learning from this passage that we are his people and the sheep of his pasture… Let us seek His and only His guidance and protection as we dare to follow where He leads.

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